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Self Employed People of South Sudan

Self Employeed People in South Sudan

Self-employment is prevalent in both the formal and informal sectors in South Sudan.

Formal Sector Self-Employment:

  • In the formal sector, self-employment often manifests through individuals starting their own businesses, sometimes in professional services, small-scale enterprises, or consultancy roles.
  • These individuals might register their businesses, obtain necessary licenses, and operate within the legal framework of the country. They could provide services in areas like consulting, IT, legal advice, or other professional services.

Informal Sector Self-Employment:

  • In the informal sector, self-employment is widespread and takes various forms. It involves individuals who create their own sources of income without being formally employed by an organization.
  • Activities range from small-scale trading, street vending, artisanal work (like carpentry, metalwork), food vending, to subsistence farming and providing various services in local communities.
  • Many people in the informal sector are self-employed out of necessity, lacking formal job opportunities or the means to access them due to various barriers.

Self Employment Challenges

  • Self-employed individuals, especially in the informal sector, often face challenges such as lack of access to credit, limited market access, absence of social security benefits, and vulnerability to economic fluctuations.
  • Women are actively involved in self-employment in both sectors, often engaged in small-scale trading and providing services within their communities.

Support and Development

  • Efforts to support self-employed individuals include initiatives focusing on providing access to microfinance, training in business management and skills development, and creating platforms to enhance market access for their products or services.
  • Formalizing and regulating the informal sector can also offer benefits by providing a more stable environment for self-employed individuals to operate, potentially improving access to resources and protections.