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Muslims & Mosques

Islam in South Sudan

Islam holds a significant presence in South Sudan, particularly among certain regions and communities. However, the country’s religious landscape is diverse, with a mix of indigenous beliefs, Christianity, and Islam.

In South Sudan, Islam is primarily practiced by certain ethnic groups, such as the Dinka, Shilluk, and Nuer, among others. These communities have historical ties to Islamic traditions and have practiced the faith for generations. The adherence to Islam varies among different ethnic groups and regions.

Muslims in South Sudan


While there isn’t an exact statistical breakdown, it’s estimated that roughly 10-20% of South Sudan’s population identifies as Muslim. The majority of the population practices Christianity, predominantly Catholicism and various Protestant denominations.

Cultural and Social Influence

Islamic traditions have influenced various aspects of culture, language, social norms, and practices within the communities where Islam is prevalent. This influence can be observed in certain customs, clothing, names, and some legal and social traditions.


South Sudan has a history of coexistence between different religious groups. While there have been tensions and conflicts along ethnic and political lines, religious differences have not always been a primary cause of conflict.

Religious Freedom

The transitional constitution of South Sudan recognizes and guarantees religious freedom, allowing individuals to practice their faith without discrimination. The government generally respects religious diversity, although issues related to religious freedom have arisen in the past.


Muslim communities in South Sudan have contributed to various aspects of society, including education, trade, and cultural diversity. They have also played roles in social and political spheres.