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Kenya Economy – GDP

Overview of South Sudan's GDP

South Sudan’s GDP had been significantly affected by ongoing conflicts, economic challenges, and fluctuations in oil production, which is the primary driver of its economy. However, precise and up-to-date figures might not be readily available due to the country’s circumstances and limited data transparency.

South Sudan’s economy heavily relies on oil production, accounting for a substantial portion of its GDP. However, the country faces significant challenges diversifying its economy beyond oil due to limited infrastructure, ongoing conflicts, and a lack of development in other sectors.

The GDP of South Sudan has been volatile due to fluctuations in oil prices and production, as well as the impact of civil conflicts on the country’s economy. As of my last update, South Sudan’s GDP was among the lowest in the world on a per capita basis, despite its oil wealth. The conflict, displacement of people, and disruptions to economic activities have contributed to widespread poverty and economic instability.

Efforts have been made to improve economic conditions and diversify the economy, but progress has been slow due to the complex challenges the country faces. External support and international aid have played significant roles in trying to stabilize the economy and support development initiatives in South Sudan.

Major Contributors to South Sudan's GDP


The country has vast agricultural potential, with fertile land and favorable climate conditions in many regions. Agriculture, including crops like sorghum, maize, millet, and livestock farming, is a significant source of livelihood for a majority of the population.

Services Sector

While less developed compared to other sectors, services such as retail, transportation, and telecommunications contribute to the economy, especially in urban areas.


Livestock farming, including cattle, goats, and sheep, plays a crucial role in the economy, providing food, income, and livelihoods for many South Sudanese.

Natural Resources

Besides oil, South Sudan is rich in natural resources such as timber, gold, and other minerals. However, the exploitation and development of these resources have been limited due to various challenges, including the ongoing conflicts and lack of infrastructure.